Our Clients
Check out our impressive roster of companies who pay us to be both funny and to deliver.
Client Testimonials
Success Sounds a Lot Like Laughter
We know we’ve done our job when our client is both satisfied and smiling
We appreciate your work on our behalf. I love your tools and process...Thanks for the support...
ClientBusiness Unit President
You guys rock! Continue pushing forward... having one of the BEST relationships I’ve ever had with a recruiter
ClientHR Manager
Meeting with Risus is my favorite part of the day!
ClientHR Director
Just wanted to drop you both a note, Sean is amazing! Easy to work with and very responsive! Thank you all for making this process so easy!
ClientHR Manager
I know I say this a lot, but the time that Ryan and now Maggie put in to work with me is impeccable and they are a pleasure to work with. They were both just working with me, on 2 separate items, at 730pm. I just wanted to say Thanks.
ClientHR Director
Whatever you are doing to create this stream of candidates is creating some
significant momentum and hope. Much appreciated!
ClientProduction Manager
They are the best!
ClientVice President, Corporate Development
Putting in the work! I like the breakdown and great response rate. What are you
working magic over there?